Lounge Lamps to Impress

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Lounge lamps is a broad term for lamps that are designed to be placed in living rooms, as opposed to study lamps, bedside lamps, piano lamps or other utility lamps.

Decorative floor lamps for the living room

Lounge lamps are commonly decorative and act as an accessory to your living room furniture. Since you have freedom from rigid activities in a living room, you have flexibility over what kind of lamp you can place in a lounge. An arc lamp can create a dramatic effect. But there are many other lamps styles.

Standing lounge lamps for the living room

These can be medium sized, to be placed on a platform or table, or stand-alone lounge floor lamps. In some cases, you can get a set of table lamps and a matching floor lamp to go with it. If you’re looking to revamp your living space, consider lamps that compliment your existing furniture.

Lounge lamps are like jewelry. Their main purpose is to fill voids in your room. You will have to decide what’s best for your space. In any interior space, it is always a good idea to have multiple sources of dimmer lights than one source of bright light.

Living room lamps – Set of 2

So either you can depend on your lighting fixtures for your main illumination and add a chic tall lounge lamp for aesthetic purposes, or you can rely on multiple different types of lamps including table lamps as well as a lounge standing lamp for all of your light.

Living room lamps from IKEA

Relying purely on lamps is often inconvenient as their power sources are usually at different locations. For different activities in a lounge, we need different amounts of light.

For instance, one does not necessarily need bright light around the television, so for that area, tall lounge lamps that provide ambient lighting can suffice, such as the IKEA Vidja columnar standing lamp or other over sofa lamps lamps that have more of an aesthetic or decorative value, than functional value.

Tall living room lamps

For spaces that are a little more on the functional side, such as reading, office work, kids’ homework or dining, you would want brighter task lighting, for which, lamps such as over sofa arc lamps, tall adjustable lamps or classic table lamps with brighter lighting levels are better suited.

Some lamps come with dimmable lighting as well such as the one shown here so that they can be changed according to the time of day or desired atmosphere and mood.

White tripod floor lamp

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Lovely White Tripod Floor Lamp

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Arc Floor Lamps for Living Room Placement

Arc floor lamps for living room