Modern Rustic Wood Arc Floor Lamp

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You can add vintage inspiration to your home with the Modern Rustic Wood Arc Floor Lamp. This retro floor lamp is designed with a blend of organic and industrial materials. For instance, this modern arch floor lamp has a round base and tapered body. This displays natural wood grain. The designs of lamps in this category have a tradition of handcrafted wooden lamps. With this lamp, you can brighten a room corner or illuminate a seating area.

Retro modern rustic wood arc floor lamp

You will love a vintage modern floor lamp with a unique design. The Marlowe Modern Industrial Farmhouse Lamp is a good example. The special features include metal construction and inner burlap shade. It comes in a bronze finish, twin pull chains, and outer woven metal shades. All these features combine very well to light up a room.

Also, it gives these modern standing lights for living room a unique appearance. It uses two 100-watt standard-medium base bulbs to illuminate any living room space. This is a rustic industrial farmhouse floor lamp that has a bronze finish base and column. It is worth every penny if you decide to get one for your home décor.

Farmhouse lamp for office and home

Hunter Mid Century Modern Farmhouse Floor Lamp is a tall vintage floor lamp. It comes with a cream linen interior lampshade. The weighted base is 11” wide and the height is 64” tall. This is one of the best modern office floor lamps with a perforated metal exterior lampshade. It uses two 100-watt E26 bulbs with dual ON/OFF pull chains.

This modern rustic wood arc floor lamp appears like a vintage tension pole light. This is due to the rustic wooden construction. This is Hunter Floor Lamp is a unique creation of Franklin Iron Works. So, you should embrace the beauty of this modern rustic floor lamp. It makes for a perfect mid-century and modern style floor lamp to own.

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