Backyard Floor Lamps with Wit and Beauty

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Backyard floor lamps are essential for today’s homeowner. Having a well maintained backyard is like having your own little secluded island. You can walk around and admire the little pleasures of life, all the while staying in your pajamas. For many families like my own, the backyard is the heart of all activities, making it a sort of outdoor living room.

Backyard sitting areas are not always close to the adjacent house walls and lighting fixtures, which is why solar floor lamps are a great alternative solution as they don’t need additional support.

All-weather outdoor floor lamps

For instance, the AILICIN Pathway Post Lights. These lights are a little on the brighter side and are suitable for outdoor activity usage.

If you want to have friends or family over to play some cards, these lamps should be good enough to provide you with sufficient lighting. If you’re a reader, you can take your book out in the garden and use this lamp as a reading light.

For overnight usage however, these backyard floor lamps might not be appropriate and in that case, lamps of dimmer wattage, or simply your wall fixtures would be better suitable. These waterproof lamp posts can be placed along pathways or around your seating area. They can even be positioned at the borders of your backyard. These garden lamps have a simple post shape, which allows you to have multiple ones as well.

Backyard floor lamps

If you’re a celebratory kind of human that loves to brighten things up at every occasion, you might be interested in the Feit Electric Ball. These lamps are an embodiment of the word festive.

The gigantic quirky globes look like helium balloons floating in the air. They come in different colors and add an unconventional, yet fun element to your backyard. They look perfect at birthdays, on the holidays, or even on regular days, making your backyard look like a page from a Dr. Seuss illustration.

Outdoor waterproof lamps

So embrace that whimsical side of yours and give your backyard the attention it deserves, because as Dr. Seuss said, “It’s opener, out there, in the wide, open air.”
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