Gold dome floor lamps

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There is no color more magnificent than gold and no shape more heavenly than the dome. When both of these are combined, it creates wondrous structures like the Dome of the Rock. Gold dome floor lamps when placed artfully in a room have the ability to uplift the visual value of that room almost by default. You can find gold dome floor lamps in any lamp style of your liking. Make sure to visualize each style in your existing setting before you make a final decision.

Gold arched dome floor lamp

Brightech has many lamps of this style. One of them is the Brightech Regent lamp. This has a flexible neck and that makes it appropriate for a number of activities and gives many options for its placement. For instance, it can be used as a study lamp and placed next to a study table.

Gold dome floor lamps can also be used as reading lamps and placed near your bookshelf with a reading chair. If you want to use it purely as a décor item, it can do so by standing modestly next to your console or in a corner of the room. In short, a lamp like this really has no limits as to how and where it should be placed. Follow your heart and place it where it feels right, such as a pink and gold tall lamp in your bedroom.

Brass gold dome floor lamps

Another very similar design is the Vonluce Store gold dome floor lamp. This lamp has a hunching neck that directs the dome downwards naturally. The dome itself can however be moved and adjusted as required. This lamp has a rustic wooden base that tones down the gold of the lamp to make it earthier.

If you think your space needs a touch of finesse but a gold dome is too grand for it, this lamp offers a good bridge because of its splendidly regal gold, but unassuming and raw wood, making it the perfect accessory to improve your home interior.

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