Beautiful Gold Floor Lamp for Nursery

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Why buy a gold floor lamp for nursery use? While designing a nursery for child, many people tend to forget that children need different kinds of lighting for different activities, much like adults do. While playing, children would need bright light so everything is visible and they can learn as much as possible. While trying to fall asleep, some children do not like to be left in the dark.

Which is why, dimmer light or lamp is necessary. These lamps can be table lamps, wall lights, or floor lamps. Out of these, gold floor lamps for nursery placement are the most viable and convenient option as they do not need space on a table, and they also do not need additional electrical fixtures.

Safe nursery floor lamps

A gold floor lamp that could be appropriate in a nursery is the Brightech Stella. This is a tall gold lamp with a white cuboid shaped lampshade. It is compatible with smart apps such as Alexa or Google assistant, making them ideal for a nursery as parents can operate them remotely if need be.

This gold floor lamp for nursery use has a sturdy and wide base, so that it doesn’t fall over easily. This is good because as a child learns to crawl, you need décor items that are stable. It comes with a 3-year warranty so you won’t need to worry about its functioning over this span.

White and gold floor lamp for nursery

Another great lamp in almost the same style is the JONATHAN Y. This lamp is also a classic tall lamp with a unique detail near the top of the body. It has a stable base as well and also comes with a step switch, which is convenient for parents of toddlers as well as newborns.


This gold floor lamp for nursery use comes with an LED bulb that saves energy and lasts longer saving you the trouble of replacing bulbs often.

Both of these lamps have a design that is not just suitable for children, but adults as well. Therefore, making them a clever purchase as you can place them in your lounge or any other room when your child gets older. A gold floor lamp for nursery placement can be bought in pairs as well.

A Gold floor lamp under $

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