Choose an Outdoor Standing Lamp

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Unless you’re a stargazer who needs complete lack of light, for your outdoor space to be usable and inviting after sunset, you need appropriate lighting to make it so. Just like with any other lamps, outdoor standing lights also come in different styles and preferences.

Outdoor patio lamps

When it comes to patios, rustic lamps seem to blend right in because of their imitation of nature, while using modern techniques. Another category that seems to be a middle ground between traditional and modern are vintage lamps.

Outdoor solar floor lamp

Vintage lamps look lovely in not just indoor, but outdoor spaces as well.

The YHSolar Floor Lamp is such an example of vintage free standing solar lights. It is a tripod lamp with its head resembling a lantern, making it the perfect vintage yet modern patio standing lamp.

This lamp, because of its tripod base is stable enough on its feet to stand on not just level surfaces of patios and terraces, but also uneven surfaces like grass or flowerbeds.

Outdoor standing lamp

So if your patio is shaded and doesn’t get a lot of sunlight, you can place one or more of these standing solar lights near your borders or shrubberies without a worry, for maximum sunlight during the day.

Modern outdoor standing lamp

Outside standing lights like Kenroy Home Rustic Outdoor Standing Floor Lamp however are not made for such usage.

This lamp has the silhouette of an indoor tall lamp, but a lampshade of faux rattan mesh. The silhouette is far more noticeable than the finish however, which means that this lamp would look better in semi outdoor spaces than completely open or natural settings.

Because of its tall body and disk shaped base, it would seem improper on the grass or among the shrubbery.

So if you want to get a outdoor standing lamps that look finished and don’t appear too alfresco, this lamp would be great for you.–w
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