Stylish Tree Floor Lamps for Living Room

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Tree floor lamps for living room use means the lamp has more than one branch – like a tree. It has a core neck that acts like a trunk and supports the multiple branches.

These lamps bear resemblance to upside-down tall chandeliers, but unlike chandeliers, tree lamps have branches that can be shifted or rotated. So how do tree floor lamps add an oomph factor that might be missing in your living room right now?

Unique tree floor lamp

For starters, tree floor lamps for living room use add an organic character to the rigid idea of what a lamp is supposed to be. While keeping the signature straight lines that tall lamps possess, these break into smaller fractals that are inspired by nature. This adds a quirky personality to the form of the lamps.

Other than the form, tree lamps for living rooms give the user the power to choose the direction of the light. You can point all branches in one direction, or you can choose to direct them towards different sides of the room. You can direct one head upwards and one downwards. In this way, the heads act as independent lamps. This option lets you experiment and choose an arrangement that works best for your unique lounge.

Best tree floor lamps for living room

Keeping the essence of the functionality same, tree lamps can be found in many different designs and finishes. If one type resembles a plant with flower heads , another might resemble a vine with alternating leaves . These lamps can be placed in any corner of your lounge and will look like they belong. Also consider a tripod floor lamp for your living room.

Tree floor lamp at Amazon

A lamp like the torchiere lamp with branches deliver bright light would look great next to larger furniture items like your sofa set, with one head lighting up the main furniture item, and the other highlighting decorative elements or an accent wall.

Tree floor lamp with several lights

The Brightech Sky Dome lamp with alternating heads has a look that is more on the industrial side. This lamp because of its one directional vertical form, would complement a smaller piece of furniture like telephone table, a small accent chair or stool, a book shelf/newspaper stand or an indoor plant pot.

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