Tall Standard Lamps

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Your living room or bedroom will likely have a beautiful main light. It may not be much good if your bedroom or living room is somewhat dingy and dark. With a tall uplighter floor lamp, change the gloomy looks.

With attractive tall standard lamps you can bring about a bright new look in your space. There are so many things you want to do in your living room. With the right light you can read, work at your computer and sew. Position these tall standard lamps anywhere in a room. Most people like having them positioned in a corner and over a reading chair or sofa.

Extra tall standard lamps for living room

The simple Globe Electric 67613 Annecy Floor Lamp is modern and stylish. It looks marvelous in your bedroom or living room. A tall Ikea floor lamp adds style and interest to a room. This 3-light lamp is perfect for near your couch or in your bedroom.

The clear glass of the lamp shades means you can get a whole new look by changing the bulb. Look at Globe Electric’s assortment of vintage Edison bulbs to get lots of amazing looks. With tall standard lamps like this, there is a simple base for the light and each of the 3 lamps has its own on and off switch.

Modern tall standard lamps

With a tall thin standard lamp, you get nice tall lamps that can send their light across the room. This Globe Electric 67613 is 63 inches in height and with its metal pole it is strong and sturdy. You will need 3 bulbs for the light and these aren’t included. So three E26/Medium Base 60W Bulbs are what is required. Whichever room you have in mind, the seeded glass shades provide a soothing appeal for any room.

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