Bright Living Room Lamps

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The primary function of a lamp is to brighten up a dark space. Unless you’re Count Dracula, as soon as the sun sets you need some form of artificial light. If dim lighting acts like the moon, bright living room lamps are definitely the Sun for your living room.

Bright floor lamps for dark rooms

It is a common misconception that living rooms need only dim, contained lighting. A simple rule of thumb is to equate lighting levels to your activity level in a given space. So if you live in a busy home, you will need bright lighting, whereas if you use your living room only to relax, low-lighting should do well. Even farmhouse floor lamps will do.

Floor lamps that light up a room

An example of bright living room lamps that get the job done (you can use it for reading) and look great while doing so, is one of the YEEYIN Industrial Standing Floor Lamps.

This lamp is beautiful to look at with its glass lampshade that seems to pay homage to the beauty of the bulb inside it. It has a plain black and slender metal body with a floor switch, making it convenient to turn on and off for people of all ages.

Floor lamps for living room

Another great example of a bright floor lamp is the Brightech Sky LED Torchiere lamp. This lamp is truly the embodiment of an indoor sun, with its disk shaped light that shines on all your dark corners.

The body of the lamp is simple and can look great in any setting. It comes in different color options for you to choose from and also has been selected as “Amazon’s choice” for bright floor lamps, meaning that it has reliable quality and has had good reviews.

Bright living room lamps

If you for some reason don’t like your lighting fixtures, or live in a rented space and are unable to change them according to your choice, these bright floor lamps will make you feel right at home with their uniformly diffused lighting. So what are you waiting for? Switch to the bright side and tell the bats to deal with it.

  • Read an article on how to choose a living room light here

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