Over Sofa Lamps for Comfortable Living

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Where do over sofa lamps fit into your living room design? In most homes, living room sofas come in sets. That means that there is close to no height variance when it comes to seating arrangements.

When designing a space, it is important to set a hierarchy so that the overall composition creates harmony. If the general height of all items in a room ends at a similar level, above that the room looks incomplete and disconnected.

Floor lamp behind sectional couch

Over sofa floor lamps are in that sense a great way to harmonize your furniture with your room and bring them in sync with each other. Because of their height, they break plane of sight and because of their neck directed downwards or forward, they bring back your attention to your furniture.

Corner lamp behind couch

Take the Contemporary Logan Arc Floor Lamp from Brightech for example. This lamp has a tall and slim arc that extends forward and ends with a classic drum lampshade.

The visual weight is in the lampshade and that is further emphasized by the slim arc. The marble base grounds the whole form and balances the overall weight physically as well as visually.

It smoothly throws light over your couch, while instantly giving your lounge a refined look.

Overarching floor lamp – over sofa lamps

Another floor lamp that curves over couch is the Brightech Grayson Modern Arc Floor Lamp with Adjustable Arm.

Essentially, these two large over sofa lamps are alike, but unlike the first example, this lamp’s arm extends backwards as well, which directs your eye mainly towards the lampshade, but also in the opposite direction.

This ties both sides together in a dialogue, rather than favoring just one. The lamp comes in two angle options.

If you have a large lounge or if you want to place the lamp over a two or three seater sofa, the first option that extends further should be better for you, whereas  if you plan on placing the lamp in a tighter space or over a smaller furniture item, the second option would work as it looks slightly more compact.

Arched floor lamp

So if your lounge feels disconnected and feels like something is missing, it might be worth it to explore lamps that give you lighting over sofas, making you want to spend maximum time in your living room.

Decorative floor lamps for living room

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